Saturday, November 6, 2010

iPhoto 11 sucks - do not upgrade!

I made a big mistake last week. I hastily upgraded to iLife '11. Who wouldn't be attracted by Apple's slick marketing? Apple used to design applications keeping the end user in mind. Clearly that is not the case anymore. Apple now designs applications to throw in more features and releases applications without any proper testing. Net result - iLife 11 is a SHODDY JOB. This is the clumsiest interface that I've ever seen.

I shall not even begin to describe the nightmare I'm facing. To my dismay, my Time Machine backup disk failed, so I don't have a proper backup and can't roll back to iPhoto '09 easily. I am faced with a terrible task of having to downgrade my iPhoto library almost manually, since I clearly cannot live with iPhoto '11.

So dear friends and readers, sit out on this version of iLife and iPhoto '11. It is definitely not worth it. Let Steve Jobs get back to the bloody Mac and get his act together. For now, they seem to be just an iGadget company.

1 comment:

  1. I agree! The share feature used to be fantastic, simple allowing you to send photos to people and giving you the choice of file size, now it formats an HTML email that I would imagine will not work properly unless recipients have a recent PC.

    It also seems that the UI team has tried to make things simpler for people, the result is a less intuitive experience. An example of this would be that in order to zoom in on a photo in view mode, you have to enter edit mode.
